§ 21-805. Walls and Fences.  

Latest version.
  • A.

    General Provisions.


    Permit Required. No persons, firm or corporation, shall hereafter construct, or cause to be constructed or erected within the City of Peoria any fence or wall exceeding seven (7) feet in height without first making an application for and securing a permit from the City. In addition, no fence or walls shall be constructed within the street right-of-way without obtaining a permit from the Engineering Department. Wall height requests above eight (8) feet shall be reviewed for approval by the City Engineer.


    Locations. All fences, walls, and gates shall be located entirely upon the private property of the persons, firms, or corporation constructing, or causing the construction of such fence unless the owner of the property adjoining agrees, in writing, that such fence or wall may be erected on the division line of the respective properties. This shall not apply to the initial wall construction by the homebuilder. Pedestrian gates may be installed by a private property owner to provide access to public open space with written approval from the Community Services Department.


    Maintenance. Every fence or wall shall be maintained in a condition of reasonable repair and shall not be allowed to become and remain in a condition of disrepair, damage, or unsightliness, or constitute a nuisance, public or private. Any such fence or wall which is, or has become, dangerous to the public safety, health or welfare, or has become unsightly through improper maintenance or neglect is a public nuisance and the Code Compliance Officer shall commence proper proceedings for the abatement thereof. Any wall, or a portion of any wall, which is removed for any purpose or by any means whatsoever, shall be restored to its original or upgraded condition relative to construction, material and finish whenever exposed to any street or any adjoining property.


    Measuring Fence and Wall Height. The height of any fence or wall shall be calculated to the uppermost points as follows:


    In required yards abutting a street, sidewalk, or trail, the height of the fence shall be measured from the required two (2) foot shelf at the base of the wall or from the top of curb or the top of sidewalk, path, or trail when such element is at a higher elevation than the shelf. (Figure A)


    Figure A - Measuring Wall Height


    Undulating Wall Required. All fences and walls along arterial and collector streets with a continuous length greater than two hundred (200) feet shall use an undulating pattern at minimum intervals of one hundred (100) feet or at every other side lot line, whichever is less, to provide variety and visual interest. The undulation depth from the street line shall be minimum of three (3) feet. (Figure B) Alternative options may be approved during the Preliminary Plat or Site Plan Review Process.


    Figure B - Perimeter Wall Undulation


    Finished Elevations. Any fence or wall that is constructed to have only one elevation "finished", which shall be defined as not having its supporting members significantly visible, shall be erected such that the finished elevation of the fence is exposed to the adjacent street or public/semi-public area.


    Exemptions. The following uses are exempt from the height restriction of three (3) feet within or bounding the front yard, as set forth in Section 21-805.B.1.


    An agriculture activity.


    Residential and ranch uses in the Suburban Ranch Districts.


    Schools and other public or quasi-public institutions when necessary for the safety or restraint of the occupants.


    Temporary construction sites which are enclosed for security purposes.


    Temporary construction yards for off-site construction.


    Arched, masonry entry features in accordance with Section 21-802 of this Ordinance.


    Barbed Wire Fences. Barbed wire shall be prohibited in the City of Peoria except for the following:


    Barbed wire shall be permitted in the General Agriculture and Suburban Ranch zoning districts.


    Barbed wire shall be permitted for temporary construction sites or yards in all zoning districts provided that the barbed wire is located six (6) feet or more above grade.


    Barbed wire shall be permitted for security purposes for commercial and industrial uses provided that the barbed wire is located six (6) feet or more above grade.


    Residential Requirements.


    Height of Fences and Walls. In all Residential Districts, no fence or wall within or bounding the front yard shall exceed a height of three (3) feet, and no fence or wall within or bounding a side or rear yard shall exceed a height of seven (7) feet, except as specified elsewhere within this Ordinance.


    Corner Lots and Key Lots (Figure C).


    On a corner lot contiguous to a key lot a fence or wall over three (3) feet in height may be placed on the property line except within a triangle measured ten (10) feet from the street line along the common lot line, and twenty (20) feet along the property line extending from the common lot line towards the front of the corner lot. The location of this clear zone may shift in areas where landscape tracts exist.


    On a key lot contiguous to a corner lot, a fence or wall not exceeding seven (7) feet may be erected along that portion of a key lot contiguous with the rear yard of the corner lot, but such fence or wall shall not come closer to the front line of the key lot than ten (10) feet.


    Figure C - Key Lots


    Adjacent Residential Lots. Where two residential lots abut one another, but have differing finished grades, the wall heights shall be limited to seven (7) feet in height on the high side and eight (8) feet in height on the low side. (Figure D)


    Figure D - Residential to Residential


    Lots Adjacent to Streets. The lot side of a wall shall not exceed seven (7) feet in height. The Street side shall not exceed ten (10) feet in height (Figure E).


    Figure E - Residential to Street


    Retaining Walls. For the purpose of this ordinance, any wall retaining a minimum of twelve (12) inches of earth shall be considered a retaining wall. If retaining requirements exceed ten (10) feet in height, then terracing shall be required. When terracing walls, the first wall at grade level shall not exceed seven (7) feet or be less than five (5) feet in height and each retaining wall above the first shall not retain more than four (4) feet of earth (Figure F). Terraced walls shall be offset a minimum of four (4) feet and each terrace shall be landscaped. Terraces and terraced walls shall be designed to include weep holes for drainage and sleeves for landscape irrigation. All terracing shall be subject to review by the City Engineer and/or the Building Official. Nothing herein is intended to relax the building code or other applicable city standards.


    Figure F - Retaining Walls


    Lots Adjacent to Retention Areas. Walls adjacent to planned or natural retention areas, waterways, or similar features shall not exceed seven (7) feet in height on the lot side and shall not exceed eight (8) feet on the retention side as measured to the required two (2) foot shelf at the base of the wall. Maximum slope of the retention shall be no greater than 4:1. If additional retention depth is required, retaining walls may be added in the sloped banks of the retention area. Such walls shall not exceed two (2) feet in height and shall be offset by no less than four (4) feet. The maximum slope between walls shall not exceed 4:1 (see Figure G). All terraced walls shall be subject to review by the City Engineer and the Building Safety Division. All retaining walls are subject to review by the City Engineer or designee. Nothing herein is intended to relax the building code or other applicable City standards.


    Figure G - Residential to Retention


    Wall Waivers. Waivers from the wall requirements may be granted by the Planning Manager if the applicant for the waiver has provided a Waiver of Proposition 207. A wall plan and narrative shall be submitted to the Planning Manager for review. Waivers may be granted based on the following:


    Topography prohibits walls from conforming to wall requirements.


    Waiver will not be detrimental to present or future surrounding property owners.


    City Engineer recommends approval of waiver. If the waiver request is denied by the Planning Manager, the applicant can file a Variance Request to be heard by the Board of Adjustment, in accordance with Section 21-323 of this Ordinance.


    Gates Required. In those instances where a fence or wall is erected as an enclosure which restricts access from the front to the rear yard, a gate with a minimum of three (3) feet in width shall be included to provide access. Gates located between parcel lines must first be approved of in writing by both property owners. For pedestrian gates located between private and City properties, written permission must first be obtained from the appropriate City department.


    Noise Attenuation Walls Required. Where adjacent to a transportation corridor a masonry noise attenuation wall shall meet Engineering sound wall requirements and shall be a minimum wall height of six (6) feet with a minimum total effective height of eight (8) feet. Walls shall be constructed of a minimum of six (6) inch (thick) concrete block, or as otherwise approved by the City Engineer, and shall be placed adjacent to the transportation corridor for any residential subdivisions recorded after the effective date of this Ordinance. A transportation corridor shall be defined as all arterial streets, truck routes north of Union Hills Drive, Lake Pleasant Parkway, Loop 101, Loop 303, State Route 74, and the Burlington Northern Santa Fe Railroad.


    Commercial and Industrial Requirements.


    Fences and walls in all Commercial and Industrial Districts shall not exceed ten (10) feet in height except that boundary line fences abutting Residential Districts shall not be greater than six (6) feet eight (8) inches in height, or except as specifically required as a condition of an approved Site Plan or Preliminary Plat or as otherwise specified in this Ordinance (Figure H).


    Figure H - Residential to Non-Residential


    In Industrial zoning districts, walls and fences on local streets except when adjacent to a Residential District, may exceed three (3) feet in height in the front and corner side yard building setback when located no closer than ten (10) feet to the street line except as may be specified elsewhere in this Ordinance.


    Within the Light Industrial (I-1) and the Heavy Industrial (I-2) zoning districts the construction and use of electrical fences shall be permitted only as provided in this Section and subject to the following:


    Electrical fences shall not be permitted on any property that contains a dwelling unit other than a caretakers' residence.


    Electric fences shall not be located within required landscape and street side setbacks.


    No electrical fence shall be installed or used unless it is completely surrounded by a non-electrical fence or wall that is not less than six feet in height and no more than three (3) to twelve (12) inches from the electrical fence.


    No electrical fence may extend more than thirty-six (36) inches above the adjacent non-electrical fence.


    No electrical fence may exceed a maximum height of twelve (12) feet.


    The electrical charge produced by the fence upon contact shall not exceed energizer characteristics set forth in the International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC) Standard.


    The energy source (energizer) for electric fences must be provided by a storage battery not to exceed 12 volts DC. The storage battery is charged primarily by a solar panel. However, the solar panel may be augmented by a trickle charger.


    Electric fences shall be clearly identified with warning signs that read "Warning - Electrical Fence" at intervals no less than sixty (60) feet. Signs shall also contain imagery, symbols, or the international sign for electricity that allow individuals to understand that the fence is electrically charged, e.g. lightning bolts.


    Electrical fences shall contain a City approved Knox key switch capable of disconnecting the electric fence in its totality from all energizers. Such switch shall be clearly marked and easily observable and accessible from a primary path of entry for emergency and enforcement personnel.


    The installation of electric fences are subject to the issuance and approval of a Miscellaneous Building Permit obtained through the Building Development Department of the City of Peoria.


    Hillside Development. Additional wall requirements for hillside areas are provided in Section 21-710 of the Zoning Ordinance.

(Ord. No. 95-15, 3-21-95; Ord. No. 03-11, 4-2-03; Ord. No. 04-186, 8-24-04; Ord. No. 2011-02, 1-4-11; Ord. No. 2013-16, 9-17-13; Ord. No. 2014-39, 10-21-14; Ord. No. 2017-33 , § 168, 6-13-17)